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  31. #JAMUARY2023-31

It’s the homestretch of #jamuary2023, and I’ve got another Korg Wavestate jam — just me, the Wavestate, and the Boss RC-3 looper.

Once again, I’m back with the Korg Wavestate, which I’ve said is a jam in a box. But, like the Rounds VST from Native Instruments, the Wavestate presents something of a challenge when using it as the only instrument in a jam, at least when using the factory presets — everything is designed to show off the wave sequencing features of the instrument.

While the Wavestate is a superior wave sequencing synth, the truth is that it is also a fantastic sample-playback synthesizer. And, the four layers within the synth engine can function as four independent synths that can be played on their own MIDI channels. That’s right, it can be fully multi-timbral. But, none of the presets show off that feature.

What’s more, it does pretty good imitation of a wavetable synth, even going so far as mimicking a virtual analog synth. I’ve even been able to make it sound — and mostly work — like a Minimoog.

I hope you’re enjoying the music, and I also hope you’re enjoying the variety of music being made by others. Here, again, are the links to #jamuary2023 content on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook:
Jamuary2023 on YouTube
Jamuary2023 on Instagram
Jamuary2023 on Facebook

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