5 Tracks
by Geren and Rob.
Some of my original music. These songs were written over two periods, and except as noted, were collaborations with my good friend, Rob Novak. The project was known as UgotaWanit.
The very first recordings that we made as UgotaWanit (G-minor, Impossible Mission, and the Untitled Songs) were half-drunken explorations of sound and rhythm on Friday nights in my apartment. Everything here was very lo-tech, played live, and created quite organically. These early recordings were compiled onto a cassette tape for Rob’s then-girlfriend (now wife) Theresa. Typical of our originality at the time, the result was called The Theresa Tape.
For the “second coming” of UgotaWanit, otherwise known as New Beginnings, we had fully embraced a computer-based workflow and dove deep into techno-based sounds with a middle-eastern flair. Not your usual combination of sounds. Songs from the New Beginnings era include Cut the Quick, Confirmation, New Beginning, and UgotaDiggit.
ConFusion is a solo effort by Geren, recorded a number of years after the last of the UgotaWanit recordings. It loses the middle-eastern motif for a more progressive jazz-rock-fusion sound, and features deeply layered rhythmic programming, all sequenced manually, one beat at a time, in Cubase. Even when segments were copied and pasted, they were painstakingly re-edited to promote a more “human” feel.