It’s Monday, and here’s another Live Stream from the Disaster Room.

There’s been a little rearrangement in the studio again, in preparation for the incoming multi/poly and the addition of the second long table for The Playpen. Hot on the heals of last week’s bombshell proclimation, let’s dig into two of the web’s latest hotly contested music products. Because, why not, right? And, where is that darned multy/poly, anyway? Plus, we can revisit the Polybrute/Muse debate — for a minute or two, ‪@synthseeker‬. And, we’ll look at using internal or VST effects with external instruments in Ableton Live.

0:00 Begin transmission
0:00 Opening jam
9:50 Welcome to the show!
10:55 What’s in the jam? Welcome back wavestate!
13:13 multi/poly is inbound FINALLY!
14:54 (The Fifth Element is actually one of my favorite movies)
15:14 New table for The Playpen
16:05 Cobalt 5s makes a great little portable jam synth
18:50 I want an UltraNOVA! Do I need an UltraNOVA?
21:00 Nova vs Peak? What’s the difference (in under a minute)? And Car Talk… (man, I miss that show) 26:05 Available presets for Novation synths…
26:51 Confusion in the shipping world: How things get here from Asia
32:04 One more purchase in me this year — maybe. Ableton Move? Polyend Synth?
33:45 My soapbox about so few music stores catering to electronic musicians, and
37:20 The Move is not a synth
39:20 Luke’s quick take on Move? and further discussion…
42:15 If all hell broke loose and a I had to get out fast, what would I take with me?
44:45 iPads for making music and performance, and apps disappearing from app stores
47:35 wavestate update hell
49:40 Doing music on iPad not so much for me
50:55 A quick look at using VST effects (Blackhole in particular) with external instruments in Ableton Live and Take 5 tuning drift.
55:49 Playing around with the Eventide Blackhole VST
1:02:50 Eventide shimmer reverb? I like shimmer verbs… but a little goes a long way
1:06:16 Check out Jamuary ’23 playlist…
1:06:40 Tasteful use of effects soapbox
1:10:15 Eyesy is now doing the visualizations, will probably add the Entropy & Sons Recursion Studio sometime next year
1:17:45 Playing around with Arturia FX collection
1:24:30 NI Komplete + Arturia Analog Lab + V Collection now all work beautifully with Komplete S mkIII
1:29:35 NI Absynth is the father of many current VST instruments
1:32:00 (or thereabouts) general rambling about learning synthesis
1:35:10 The software synth advantage
1:39:00 Making music and sound design are what actually drive me musically.
1:39:50 Nord electro 2 (and other electro models)
1:44:15 opsix operator faders great for quick sound manipulation
1:48:24 BEAM on the opsix is very cool
1:50:30 Winding down — goodnight all!
1:51:39 The closing jam
2:00:49 End transmission

Be sure to check out ‪@symptomsofrealitypodcast‬

Korg multi/poly:…
Ableton Move:
Polyend Synth:

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