Korg have, apparently, seen the gross error of their ways in pretending that Nautilus was in any way a suitable replacement for the Kronos. In all its glory, and then some, Kronos will be returning to take its rightful spot as the crown jewel in Korg’s extensive synth line-up.

A quick look at the Kronos 3 product page indicates that all of what made the Kronos great returns. The same great build quality, outstanding sound engines, and impeccable design all return. As far as I was concerned, the Kronos 2 had but one weakness, and that was the display. Korg have indicated that the display has, indeed, been upgraded. It’s possible that they’ve also improved on the processor and drive subsystem, as Korg claims a 60% faster startup time.

Anyway, all hail the King! Long live the King!

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