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For day 14 of #jamuary2023, I had grandiose plans that were not to be. But still, there was jamming! And a new track with video!


Music often reflects the mood of the creator, and my jam for the eleventh day of Jamuray2023 certainly illustrates that. I’m in a dark place today and I don’t feel particularly well, and it certainly came out in the music.


It’s Jamuary 10, and today I’m continuing the musical journey with an ambient jam using the Model Electronics Skulpt SE, Zoom G3n, and Novation Music Launchpad Pro Mk3.

My Perfect Synthesizer

  • Music

Over the years, I’ve given a lot of thought to my idea of the “perfect synthesizer.” Although some have come close, it has yet to come along. Let’s lay out my criteria for a perfect synth: 3 Digitally Controlled Analog Oscillators Each oscillator has Sine,… Read More »My Perfect Synthesizer

Enter Skulpt

  • Music

The Modal Electronics Skulpt Synth SE did arrive yesterday, but between the day gig and a 7Souls band rehearsal last night, I had just enough time to plug it in and make sure that it beeped and booped. I had a little play with it… Read More »Enter Skulpt

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