Jammin’ first this week, then chatter! Just like last week. Simple as that.

I played some music, and then we chattered a lot about the best synthesizers in the world, talked some friendly trash about some other synth tubers we know and love, did a show-and-tell about the new toy to help with the video production, and the we chattered some more about synths and VSTs and stuff. Finally, I played a little more music and eventually pressed the fade-to-black button.

As always, you can watch here, but it makes more sense when you can see the chat by watching the playback on YouTube.

Here’s the rough timeline:

00:00 Commence transmission, play a little music, chatter a lot, play a little music
2:25:01 End transmission

My music is available at: https://gerenm.bandcamp.com
Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gerenm

Be sure to visit those three guys we talked trash about: ‪@synthpunkheaven‬, ‪@synthsamuraiproductions‬, and ‪@EchoKraft‬. They’re out there having fun and enjoying life and playing with synths, and that’s what’s important.

Oh, yeah, you’ll notice this post is called “REPLAY” instead of “LIVESTREAM”. I’m going to start naming the posts with the replay links this way from now on, because it makes more sense. And also, the calendar announcements of the actual live streams will now be able to live in the main post stream, instead of being relegated to the sidebar. I’ll probably also go back and change the names of all the other replays as well, sooner than later, so it’s not too tedious.

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