If you’re a fan of the music of Pink Floyd, you really owe it to yourself to see Brit Floyd if they come through your town — or anywhere reasonably close. Having seen Pink Floyd live, I can assure that this is a close as you will ever get to a real Pink Floyd concert, period.

Beware, though, that there is a less-than-scrupulous promoter touring another band being billed a Brit Floyd. Get your information about the band from their official website only: https://www.britfloydofficial.com/, their official Facebook page, or this Facebook group. As of this writing, the band is represented officially by the Palladium Entertainment Group.

Hopefully, these photos and videos (scroll down below the image gallery) can begin to convey the experience of the show. All images shot from my seat (Row G, Seat 119) with a Canon G7x mkII with edits in the Microsoft Photos App included with Windows 11. Videos made with either the G7x or an iPhone 13 Mini, and uploaded to YouTube with no editing. I hope you enjoy the images and videos!

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